Monday, June 2, 2014

Life: Sleeping Habits

I'm probably the worst when it comes to sleeping habits. I attempt to go to bed every night at the same time but some(most) of the time it doesn't always work out. Either work gets in the way because of the some times crazy hours I get or I have a million and one new ideas that go through my mind all day long. I blame the "creative" side of my brain for this; new ideas of what to get my hands on next whether it be something to paint, sew, photograph, or create...I'm always thinking of something. It gets in the way of when I want to sleep in the late hours of the night.

I've been searching Pinterest for some helpful hints on how to get a better nights sleep and ways to actually get to sleep.

I found this link on Pinterest that I might give a shot

Does music help any one else? Because Bowtiful Life posted a few days ago this Spotify list of music that she plays before going to bed.  

I'm going to give both of these a shot together and see what happens with the sleep that I sometimes don't always get around to doing.

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