Sunday, May 25, 2014

Movie: Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins is the first movie I remember watching when I little. I used to have my mother rewind Poppins over and over again, until the VHS tape(ahhh 90s kid) had given up and she had to buy a new one...sorry Mom.

I forget what made me fall in love with the movie at such a young age; it could have possibly been the music or it could be that I always dreamed of having a nanny fly through the air and take me on an adventure through a chalk painting and dance around with penguins. What ever it was, I'm still forever in love with the movie. Now what makes me love the movie is most definitely the music but more importantly, Julie Andrews. It was 10 years ago with the 40th Anniversary of the movie came out and I received it for Christmas, I think I watch it every. single. day. of my winter break that year and again...had to purchase another DVD.

You can say I'm obsessed with the movie and if you have never seen it...purchase it right now. I'm serious. GO!

The Sherman Brothers, Julie Andrews, and Dick Van Dyke

What a perfect group of song writers, actors, and vocalists. 

Have you ever watched/seen Mary Poppins and are completely in love with it as much as I am?! 
What is your favorite part?!

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