Ever since I was five years old I always was for giving to a cause that I felt strongly about. First it was the Chesapeake Bay Foundation , a cause that helps keep the water ways of the Chesapeake Bay clean for years to come, to teach kids and adults how important it is to take care of it, and restoring to what has already been damaged. It's a cause I feel very strongly about because I grew up on those waters and I would like to enjoy them when ever I come home.
Another cause I'm very much passionate about is, the Michael J Fox Foundation. Knowing some friends in my life that are very close to me with Parkinson's disease makes me even more passionate about finding a way to help stop it by lots of research. Anyway that I can help, I do.
Thinking about more ways to donate to such amazing causes brings me to this. I actually found out about this online company through Gal Meets Galm. It really spoke to me by, purchasing products that I already use on a daily basis can help a cause that I'm deeply in to, even further by purchasing them through this website. BeautyKind donates 5% of every purchase you make to the foundation of your choice! How great is that?!
I made a few purchases already that the proceeds will be going towards the Michael J Fox Foundation. That 5% can go such a long way to help fund the research to help cure such an awful disease.
Want to help with a cause you're passionate about?! Click here to start!!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Sunday, November 2, 2014
20yrs in the making
Do you have one of those friends that you've had since the age of 4? One of those friends that you're basically related? She is your best friend? a sister? You don't see each other for the longest time but you pick up right where you left off?
I Do.
Sami Jean have been the best of friends since the age of 4, in Sister A's Pre-K class, since the first day. We've gone through a lot together; from laughing our butts off, photoshoots down Long Point, late night doughnut runs, there is even a time we stopped talking and it was probably the worst few years of my life. We came to our senses and forgave each other for the what ever stupid reason we stopped talking in the first place.
We worked together one Summer at a Private Club.
"The Face"
Senior Year of High School Football games
To this ridiculousness
I miss meeting you half way. Those memories I'll treasure forever.
Visiting her through her first week at college.
I can't believe we've been friends for 20years. 20 YEARS!! Damn does the time fly & I can't wait to be your friend for the rest of our lives and then some.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Don't be a chair.
The last year of high school was a rough one, well, the second semester was probably the scariest of my life. January of that year I had gotten into a terrible accident where I fell off the back of my friends car. I went to an girls high school and my friends boy friend went to the all guys school; she wanted to surprise him by going over there because we both had half days. Who knew what was supposed to be such a fun day would turn into a day where I was rushed off to shock trauma totally unconscious not knowing what was happening to me. I ended up having to receive emergency brain surgery because too much blood had gone to my brain and they couldn't drain it fast enough, causing them to shave off half my hair and be gifted with a horseshoe shaped scar on the right side of my head. No one was responsible because it was, in fact, an accident; there was no one to blame for us just trying to have some fun innocent fun.
I was out of my last semester of high school for about 2 weeks? It wasn't fun. I was actually losing my mind because I just wanted to get back to school with my friends and continue learning and getting as much in as possible in our last days of that chapter of our lives. I finally got back to school and let me tell you, it was rough. It was rougher than any other semester of college. The teachers knew about my accident so they gave me a little more time to complete work and finish tests; even though there were a few teachers that just didn't care.
Since they did have to shave half my hair(I was pissed about this)I was rocking, the now, half head shaved look. I didn't want anyone seeing my scar because it was still pretty rough looking and I was pretty embarrassed about it but one of the teachers didn't get the memo that I would be wearing a hat; I went to an private catholic school and wearing a hat indoors was most definitely frowned upon, except for me. This said teacher told me to take it off one day while I was walking through the halls with a friend of mine. I ignored her, stupidly, and she continued to walk after me and tell me over and over again to take it off. You know thank God to my friend, she stood up for me. My friend basically yelled at her by saying that I was allowed to wear it and the teacher backed off right away. It was rather ridiculous. I also received my first ever detention this semester because I thought I had a free period instead of an actual class and of course, got in trouble.
Graduation came and one of our amazing teachers and Sisters gave a speech that will forever be with me and I will never ever forget. The inspiration from that speech still lives inside of me and it's what gets me through the tough weeks at work and in my personal life. The speech ended with the words...
have passion. have desire. have fire. DON'T be a chair.
It's about not giving up on that rough day, week, or month at work. Somedays are going to be the worst but after the rain comes a rainbow(thank you Katy Perry). But seriously, you do have to go through the bad days and never give up; keep on keeping on. Forever have that passion by doing what you love, have that desire to chase after you didn't think was possible, and have the hottest fire that came from your body to accomplish the hardest task you ever took on. It will be worth it in the end.
Fact. I do have those days where I want to throw in the bag and just give up on life and not even try anymore because I thought it just wasn't worth it.
I'm going to tell you right now, everything in your life is building you up to be a stronger & passionate person. At least for me it is.
No, I won't give up and I will never be a chair because I hate staying still for too long.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Week in Review
So this past week was my birthday(9/15)and since it was on a monday I didn't really do much but relax relax relax and then had sushi when a couple wonderful friends!! Since I didn't really do much on monday, I traveled to LA/Burbank to visit friends and have pretty much the greatest weekend I've had in the longest time.
Before I could even think about the weekend, I worked a special event!! It was for cast members that have worked with the company for 10years+. It was a wonderful event and I can't wait to someday hit that 10 year+ mark in my Disney career! I'm not sure if I'll be in the same department in 10years but my goal is to definitely stay with the Walt Disney Company for the rest of my life. But seriously, isn't Mickey the cutest thing ever in his tux and gold bow tie?!
On Friday I traveled up to LA and we just kind of hung out and watched a movie and went to possibly the best Mexican restaurant I've been to yet...Poquito Mas, so yum!
Saturday morning we got up early and traveled to Malibu to go on a hiking adventure. It was wonderful. It has been on my bucket list for some time now so I was happy to cross it off and have the time of my life!
Clearly I was ready for this adventure with my hip bag. & don't even begin to judge me for it because it definitely came in handy. It fit all the essentials and I didn't have to worry about carrying a purse or wonder where I was going to put my belongings. Thank you Sports Authority

Climbing trees & hiking mountains is definitely something we're going to continue doing because damn was it so much fun! & it's a good way to exercise without having to step foot in a gym.
Saturday evening we went to the Hollywood Bowl to see The Sound of Music sing a long! Sound of Music is definitely one of my all time favorite movies so being able to watch it in such a beautiful and ionic place made it that much more special. During Edelweiss everyone took out their phones, put on their flash lights and it was really very beautiful!
Sunday(which I sadly have absolutely no photos from) we went to Griffith Park and had a cook out! The day was amazing; from the weather, to the location, to the friends that we shared it with. It was the end of the summer party...without the burning of the blazer....and I can't wait to hopefully host a "Welcome to Fall" party very soon. We played wiffle ball & some kind of new frisbee game where you have to hit a can with it. I'm not really sure what it is but apparently it's an East Coast thing that it new.
Where we were having the picnic, there was an old abandoned zoo. Totally creepy. Very smelly. & well, haunted. I usually really really hate all things scary and creepy but this didn't seem to bother me all that much. Very surprising.
The weekend was seriously perfect and I didn't want to go back to Orange County to work tomorrow but I guess as the saying goes "work hard. play harder" I have to follow it and there is always next weekend, which we'll be going to see BeetleJuice!
What's your favorite hiking place? Have you ever seen a movie/show at the Hollywood Bowl?
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Dreams come true...in the bayou
Okay well, maybe not necessary in the real bayou but here in California it's been feeling like we've been living in the heavy humidity and swamp lands of Louisiana. We really can't tell you why this is happening but we're all sick and tired of it. 100+ degrees...in September...for the past week! Just give me 60-70 degree weather with a breeze so I can wear sweaters and layer up.
What I've really wanted to talk about is....I've been in contact with a certain part of the company, that all my dreams live in and that I want to come true more than anything else in this whole wide world, and things finally might be starting to happen. I went to this said part of the company a few weeks ago but the person that I was in contact with was out of town so I wrote this person a letter telling this person that I had come to visit and I would love to talk to this person more in depth about what he/she actually does.
WELL this person finally contacted me today after getting back from their trip asking if I would like to come in and tour and talk to them more about what I want to do within this department and more about what this person does.
I'm seriously crying tears of joy right now. If you know me personally, you will understand why this means the world to me. I've had leads tell me that "it's one step closer" and friends say "it's happening!"
I don't want to jinx anything but I seriously feel incredibly blessed right now. You won't get anywhere within this company if you don't network and talk to others.
To give you a hint though on this company I leave this...
What I've really wanted to talk about is....I've been in contact with a certain part of the company, that all my dreams live in and that I want to come true more than anything else in this whole wide world, and things finally might be starting to happen. I went to this said part of the company a few weeks ago but the person that I was in contact with was out of town so I wrote this person a letter telling this person that I had come to visit and I would love to talk to this person more in depth about what he/she actually does.
WELL this person finally contacted me today after getting back from their trip asking if I would like to come in and tour and talk to them more about what I want to do within this department and more about what this person does.
I'm seriously crying tears of joy right now. If you know me personally, you will understand why this means the world to me. I've had leads tell me that "it's one step closer" and friends say "it's happening!"
I don't want to jinx anything but I seriously feel incredibly blessed right now. You won't get anywhere within this company if you don't network and talk to others.
To give you a hint though on this company I leave this...
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Chesapeake Tides needs your help!!!
I need your help to decide on which little crabby will be going on a baseball cap!!! I have ordered navy blue, black, light pink, and red caps which I will be putting one of these designs on!
The navy & black caps will be having a red crab & the pink and red will have a blue crab on it!!
Now I need your help! A or B?!
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
What's been happening!
So I have definitely not kept up with writing as much as I would have liked but as I always say, I'm going to keep on trying to do my best when something comes up! I've been trying to pick up as many hours as possible at work(as much as they will let me)sill California has caped us part timers at 24hours a week now...because living in Southern California wasn't expensive enough! oy! I'm getting by though and thank goodness I have Chesapeake Tides to help keep me sane and busy when I'm not working for the mouse.
I've introduced a few new products to the shop and I hope everyone checks them out!
I've introduced a few new products to the shop and I hope everyone checks them out!
It is perfect for either a pencil case, travel make up bag, or to hold all your electronic cords!
I created this design myself with some of the iconic Chesapeake Bay, Maryland, and of course Chesapeake Tides symbols to put on the back of a tshirt. I was originally selling them only through Red Bubble but later decided that I wanted to make them more personal by adding a monogram to the front upper left hand corner. I love the idea of this shirt because it is sporting with Marylanders and East Coasters love about the state!
This week was my birthday week!! It's definitely been a crazy 24 years and it's only getting started! I spent the day yesterday at my favorite lunch spot, Lemonade. Oh goodness, was it amazing! If you have never been and live in California, I suggest you go right away. After lunch I explored Laguna Beach and sat on some of the rocks by the tide pools. Super relaxing and just the ticket I needed! After Laguna, a couple of friends and I went to get sushi and sake. So delicious that I definitely plan on going back very very soon! I started the week working a special event at work, super super exciting! After the event we had some down time so why not play around with the props that were set up!?
I really hate all things scary and spooky about Halloween but I do love how Disneyland makes it not so spooky and scary for us that have to hide behind our blankets and fingers when friends force you to watch horror movies. Disney doesn't do that and I'm incredibly thankful!
I'll be going to LA as well to celebrate with friends up in Burbank so I will be MIA in the town of Orange this weekend. I love getting away on little adventures like this, escape the real world and have a little fun!
Any fun plans this weekend for you!?
Friday, August 15, 2014
Wish List: 3DS XL
Yes, you read that title right. Currently on my wish list is a 3DS XL. My reasoning behind it is because well, I'm tired of just sitting around with nothing to do. Yes, I always have sewing to do and I could paint but sometimes I don't want to be creative and I just want to lay in bed all day on my days off. A lot of people at work are very much into it and they have games that they play religiously, I don't ever want to get like that but I do want some fun games.
Go ahead and call me a nerd.
I think the black is my favorite, it will get less dirty looking that way right?! right! Plus I would totally add a monogram to it of course.
Do you have a 3DS XL? What are your favorite games to play?
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Goal: Decorating My New Room
I'm currently in Maryland at the moment and decorating my new room at my mothers new house!! Getting to decorate my own room is something that I love doing; being able to decorate with a clean room that hasn't been filled yet excites me the most. My idea for this new room is blue and white with touches of gold. It's super clean and simple. Here are a few things from Design Darling that I've already had shipped here that I can't wait to put out and show you how it looks!
I will be placing this on my cream colored chair that I've had since forever. It's a super comfy chair to read in for hours at a time.
This blanket is actually huge and I can't wait to cuddle up with it on my bed or on my chair. The color of the carpet in the room is a shade of blue so this will go nicely on my all white duvet cover and white sheet set.
I can't wait to pick up a few other items on my visit home to help make my room look complete.
Monday, August 11, 2014
Life: Going Home
I'm going home this week and I couldn't be more excited! I haven't been home since March and in my book, that is waaay way too long. My mom has recently bought a house with a yard so I'm sure the dogs are going to be super excited to run around again because of course, they couldn't do that in the apartment. My favorite part is that I will be getting my own room again...in the attic! How awesome is that? I have always dreamed of an attic room and it is finally coming true!
My roooom!!!!!!
The dogs already enjoying the new front yard.
(sorry for the poor picture quality, phone photos aren't always the best)
I'll be back home in Maryland from August 13-20 and I can't wait to hang out with friends, family, and get caught up on life in general!
attic room,
Going Home,
new room
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Reading List: Gone Girl
I had never heard of this book until my friend read it and started raving about it. I trust her when she says a book is a "must read" so of course I had to pick it up. After reading the first couple chapters, it's kind of slow getting into but she assured me that it does pick up and get more interesting. Apparently it's going to be made into a movie so I must get it read before October, which shouldn't be a problem since I do my best reading on a plane and I will be traveling back to Maryland next week via plane.
Has anyone read this yet?!
Gone Girl,
Reading List,
Friday, August 8, 2014
Wish List: New Balance 574
For a while now I've been wanting the New Balance 574 tennis shoes. They have super fun color combinations and they look super retro! Here are a few that I'm kind of obsessed with and I would seriously buy each of them if I had the room and money.
I'm loving and really into the navy blue and pink color combination right now. Super classic and it will go with everything I own.
I mean, these pink and green ones kind of look like a watermelon but the pop of color is fantastic.
Zoom Zoom Zoom, you make my heart go BOOM BOOM BOOM. When I first laid eyes on these little beauties I thought of Zenon Girl of the 21st Century. I loved the movie growing up on Disney Channel so why not channel my inner futuristic self and purchase these.
Of course there is a pink and green option in these as well.
Which ones are your favorite?! Do you own a pair? how do they run....true to size, big or small?! Let me know because I would like to purchase one of the three.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Goal: Photography
So I went to school for Photography and received my BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art in the Spring of 2013. I work in California as a photographer but I wouldn't qualify is as photography unless I'm doing a special event. In the past I have photographed a few high school seniors, head shots, engagements, and a wedding...I will be going home next April to photograph another and I'm super thrilled! Recently though I haven't even touched my camera, sorry about that. I shoot with a Nikon at work and a Canon for my personal business which I feel work two different ways, I mean they totally do. I prefer Canon of course, but Nikon is kind of winning my heart a little bit. I suppose that's just because I work with them the majority of the time.
Getting back to where I wanted to talk about...
I want to start up my little business again here in California, which may or may not be so easy. I feel like so many people are photographers these days that it's hard to make an actually living off of it unless you have a technique that no one has picked up on yet. I'm going to change that. I want to start small and work up to bigger things. The first step is getting my name out there. The second step is experimenting and practicing more with both my camera and getting friends to model for me.
Here are a few photos that I've taken over the past couple of years that I just can't get enough of. Also, I can definitely see a huge difference over the years that my style has changed and that I've learned to fully use my camera in the proper way.
Getting back to where I wanted to talk about...
I want to start up my little business again here in California, which may or may not be so easy. I feel like so many people are photographers these days that it's hard to make an actually living off of it unless you have a technique that no one has picked up on yet. I'm going to change that. I want to start small and work up to bigger things. The first step is getting my name out there. The second step is experimenting and practicing more with both my camera and getting friends to model for me.
Here are a few photos that I've taken over the past couple of years that I just can't get enough of. Also, I can definitely see a huge difference over the years that my style has changed and that I've learned to fully use my camera in the proper way.
High School Seniors
Sorry for the photo over load but I needed to share a little of all I did. All these sessions were some of my favorites and I can't wait to capture even more memories for high school seniors, families and couples getting ready to get married!
For more information about what each session costs, check out my Facebook page....here
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